How can I get student visa for Germany?

The student visa for Germany permits a foreign student to continue higher studies or foundation courses. One should carry an acceptance letter from a Germany University to get a student visa. Furthermore, when you contain this document and are willing to know about the process to have a German visa for Indian students, then worry not because those details can be rendered at the bottom points.

  • First, enrolled in a student program in Germany
  • Then, locate German diplomatic centers in your region,
  • And then make an appointment for a student visa
  • Before getting to diplomatic centers, collect all required document
  • When you have then submitted your document there.
  • Further, pay the student visa costs and wait for a response.
  • Once the application gets accepted, then you can get into Germany.

Types of german student visa

The German student visa comes in five types, and each one of them has their own strong points. When you could be enrolled in the Student visa program, then you could be classified into one of these groups and governed accordingly. So, if you are looking for a German student visa type, then you can find its name at the bottom:-

  • State preparatory college ‘Studienkolleg’
  • German language courses for studies.
  • Full-time academic studies
  • Propaedeutic course
  • Mandatory preliminary internship

German Student Visa Requirements

One of the most crucial elements of acquiring a German student visa is having a completed and proper attached document. If you got a default in the file, then your application might not proceed further. Further, the german student visa requirements of the document have to be sent with two copies and an original. Thus, the list of necessary documents is mentioned at the bottom:-

  • Two National visa application forms with attestation
  • Authenticated passport
  • Two biometric photograph
  • Letter of admission in an educational institution, such as admission in a foundation course. Issued by a Studienkolleg University admission letter “Zulassungsbescheinigung and so on.
  • Language proficiency in German
  • English language proof 
  • Earlier education certificate
  • Means of subsistence “Finanzieruungsnachweis”
  • Student health insurance
  • Bank statement certificate
  • Paid slip of German student visa application fee

Bank Balance Required for a German Student Visa

When you wish to obtain a student visa from Germany, then you may have to show a bank statement containing a minimum required amount. So the among that need to have in a blocked bank account could be €11,208. When you do not have a blocked account then, also you can have a visa. But for that, you get to submit your parent's financial assets or income proof. Aside from this, address proof of a relative or friend showing a permanent residence in Germany.

German Study Visa Applying Charges

The student applying for a student visa in Germany has to pay certain specific fees for that. However, the fees category is divided into two categories below 18 and above 18. So, if you are under 18 years of age, then you would have to pay around €38, and if you are above 18, the cost could be €75. Afterward, you get to wait for a German student visa processing time, and which may extend to two days.